Best Jobs for Working Overseas


Unfortunately, not all of us can travel the world continuously, forever being on holiday. The majority of us need to work to earn our keep when the savings run dry. Just because your money runs out, doesn’t mean you need to run home. Getting a job and working overseas is one of the best ways to truly experience a country. It can be a bit intimidating packing up your life and taking the plunge overseas, but it can be one of the most rewarding experiences too.

Remember though, going overseas puts you at risk to any number of diseases, parasites, and bacteria that might be present in that particular region. Always consult a doctor about what vaccinations you should get before you embark on your travels. In the U.S., the Affordable Care Act makes things easy as far as doctor’s appointments go. Getting vaccinated may actually be easier than you expect.

Here are some great jobs you can look into overseas to keep your travel bug satisfied:

1) Working in a Hostel
This is great for the social aspect and generally you’ll only have to work a few hours a day, allowing a lot of free time for exploring, language classes or whatever else might take your fancy. The upside of this is you’ll get free accommodation and some places even offer pay if you clock in enough hours. It’s not the most lucrative way to earn money overseas, but can be great for something temporary that allows you to soak in a place you’ve fallen in love with.


2) Working on a Cruise Ship
This is a great way to save money as most of your expenses, such as accommodation, food and power, will be covered by your employer. It can be a little cozy, often you’ll be sharing your small room with at least one other person. You can work a variety of jobs on a cruise ship, from general crew to photographers, the job you work will depend largely on your skills and want appeals to you most.

3) Teaching English Overseas
Teaching English Overseas is one of the best ways to earn a living all while exploring a new culture, there are numerous places around the world that are receptive to native speaking English teachers. You can teach English in South Korea, or even in China. The real money, however, is in the Middle East, although that tends to demand long contracts. Wherever you choose to teach, you’ll find yourself exposed to a whole new culture with a bunch of benefits thrown in, such as a pay for completing your contract, generous holiday allowances and often free accommodation.


4) Summer Camps
In many parts of the world, especially the United States of America, kids spend the summers enjoying camps. Camp America is a great opportunity to go and work in a fun environment. Often part of your flight will be covered, as well as a weekly wage. Many people who do such camps choose to spend a few weeks or months afterwards traveling around. There are also camps in Europe and other countries, all you need to do is hunt them out.

5) Be an Au Pair
Being an au pair is a great way to explore a new country while still maintaining a lot of security. In exchange for your help caring for the children and maybe teaching them, you’ll be provided with a room, board and a weekly allowance. The weekly allowance isn’t a large sum of money, but it is enough for you to explore the country you’re in and depending on your shopping habits, save a bit. It is a really easy way to experience a new place and a new family.

Have you ever worked overseas? What was your experience like? Let us know in the comments below.

Photos: Mr Hicks46Alex O’Neal and Ed Yourdon

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