Seeing it all in Jordan


While Jordan is a relatively small country, trying to see everything it has to offer would be difficult on stays of less than 2 weeks. The reason Jordan has become so popular a destination for tourism is because even though small, it is difficult to find a place with more diverse travel interests and options than Jordan. With highlights for all interests it is a best pick destination for families that want to combine a first class beach resort stay with historical architectural sightseeing opportunities and some of the most beautiful photo opportunities in the world.


The Must See Sites

While there are a multitude of places that any trip to Jordan should include, failing to see Petra – the ancient city carved into the side of the mountains would be a big mistake. This unique site is unlike any other you can find anywhere in the world. In the same vein would be the ruins of the ancient city of Jerash. These ruins rival those of Rome and Greece in both historical significance and excellence in preservation for enjoyment and photo taking opportunities.

Traveling along the Jordan River presents a myriad of historical religious landmarks to stop by while learning and sharing the friendly Jordanian culture. Most westerners find the Jordanians to be more open and accepting than many other Middle Eastern areas. With English as the national banking language, there are seldom problems with language for tourists.


The Dead Sea is unique, as the lowest point in the world at 402m below sea level, and is home to beautiful resorts and waterparks. While in this area you will want to visit the most chic area in the Middle East, O-Beach. Along with the Dead Sea, water side activities not to be missed exist in Aqaba, which host incredible diving as well as nightlife and is sometimes referred to as the “New Dubai”.

Planning Your Jordan Vacation

With so many different places to see and things to do, most people book a tour to help them allocate their time most judiciously around this country. Going with a tour company that specializes in Jordan allows for easy travel within the country and alleviates the need to book multiple different hotels for your stay as you move about the country. Most find this preferable to trying to coordinate all travel arrangements themselves and it allows for a more relaxed vacation in both planning and experience.