Top Things to do in Brisbane:

Brisbane is an often underrated city, that is home to a nice climate all year round and a strong beach community. It’s just a short ride from the Gold Coast which is home to some world-class theme parks that are great for single travellers and families alike. There’s the ultra hip Southbank, the stunning skyline and oodles of cute Australian wildlife to visit. There’s no shortage of things to do and great places to stay in Brisbane, ensuring that you’ll have a wonderful holiday in this laid-back Australian city.

Go to the Lookout Point:

Brisbane has a great skyline, which is particularly stunning at night time. That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy this expansive city from up high during the day, though. Head toMount Coot tha lookout and enjoy the sweeping views of the city – you can even see as far out as Moreton Bay. This is a great photo opportunity, so don’t forget your camera.

Head to Southbank:

Here you’ll find a manmade beach, lovely cafes dotted around the river and some gorgeous walkways filled with lush gardens. This is one of the coolest parts of Brisbane and is worth a visit. During the weekends, holidays or just when the temperature rises high enough, this area is bustling with locals and tourists alike.

Head down the River:

This river runs right through the heart of Brisbane city and is often seen as the city’s lifeline. There are a number of cruises you can take up and down this river, allowing you the unique opportunity of slowly watching the city pass you by. This is a great way to see more of the city and is a relaxing way to spend an afternoon or evening.

Check out the Wildlife:

If you’re found of the cute and fuzzy Koala bear’s (be warned, their claws are not so cute) then head to the world’s first koala’s sanctuary, Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. Became of modern development, Koalas face a lot of problems now in nature, with much of their natural habitat being taken over by development, deforestation and the spread of the cities. Koalas also face problems during the hotter seasons of the year, when bush fires are quite common across Australia. As koalas live in the tree tops, they can often get cornered in by bush fires. This sanctuary is a great place to see these indigenous animals up close and personal.

Head to the Theme Parks:

If you’re craving some theme park action, why not head to the Gold Coast for some fun rides? The three main themes here are Movie World, Sea World and Wet’n’Wild. Movie World is perfect for those of us who love thrills, boasting a number of terrifyingly fun rides and roller coasters. Sea World is a great place to visit if you are interested in marine life, with a number of engaging and educational shows being held each day. Wet’n’Wild is perfect if you are a fan of water rides and want to soak up that wonderful Queensland sun. You can get combo passes that offer a discount to each of the rides if you purchase them online in advance.
Brisbane is often left out in favour of a trip to Sydney or Melbourne, but that’s a mistake as this busy, metropolitan city has a lot to offer a visitor.

Photos: Ross Johnsonpractice520 and Stephanie Bond used under Creative Commons License