Ideas for Gifts This Christmas


For many people, Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. And while it’s a great excuse to catch up with friends and family, to eat a little too much and relax, it can also be a very stressful experience.

Along with food shopping, decorating, deadlines at work and excited kids, you also have to ensure that you get everyone a gift, and that those gifts are thoughtful.

Here are some ideas for gifts for your loved ones this Christmas:

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Wine is a great gift for those people you don’t know too well, and also close friends and family. A good bottle of wine can be opened at the Christmas table or saved for a special occasion, and it’s always a welcome gift. Check out the chardonnay from Advintage if you’re looking for a good white wine to give friends and family this Christmas.


Chocolate is similar to wine, and at first it can seem like the kind of gift you give those people who you don’t really know. But if you have a chocoholic in the family, this could actually be a very thoughtful gift which will be saved for a rainy day.


Your Services

This one may seem a little strange, but if you’re great at something, donating your services can make a great gift. Do you have some childcare experience or are you just plain great with kids? Offer to look after your friends kids for a night so they can go out without having to pay extravagant babysitting costs. Are you an amazing cook? Give your friend a note saying they can call you next time they’re planning a dinner party. These are gifts which will be helpful throughout the year, and are a great way to save money as well as give something worthwhile.

A Class

Does your friend or family member have a passion that they haven’t yet explored? Maybe they’re been wanting to learn a language, an instrument, or how to cook? Or perhaps they’re interested in something a little different like cake decorating or woodwork. If your special someone has been talking about starting a new hobby or class, why not be the person who helps get their foot in the door and sign them up to a class? Of course you’ll need to check their schedule, so you may want to talk to their significant other first, or you could see if the class offers and “open enrolment” so they can choose their own time and dates.

If you’ve been wanting to try the same skill, or want to spend more time with your loved one, consider signing up to the same class so you can spend some quality time together and have some fun once a week. Who knows, you may just find yourself discovering a new passion as well.

One of the most important things to remember about the holidays is that they’re not about gifts. Your friends and family members are sure to be appreciative of any gifts you give, since it really is the thought that counts.