4 Tips for Hosting a Really Fun Bachelorette Party


So your bestie is getting married and you’ve been given the task of hosting a bachelorette party. It can feel like a lot of pressure because you want something that’s really fun, and going to be something she can look back on fondly. How you choose to celebrate will depend on what kind of bride your bestie is. Does she want a wild bachelorette party? Is she a bit more reserved and tame? Make sure whatever you plan suits her style the most. You can even ask her if she has any expectations or what her ideal bachelorette party would look like. If you’d like some tips for making it really fun, keep reading to learn more. 

Consider Going Overseas

Okay, this can be quite a big financial commitment, so you’re going to have to make sure it’s in the budget for all the attendees. You can choose to go somewhere cheaper, like Mexico, Bali or Portugal depending on where you live. This is going to take a bit more planning and coordination to make it work, but it can be really worthwhile and such a fun experience. If you’re already planning on an overseas bachelorette, check out these clothes for air travel to make the trip way more comfortable. If you want to plan an overseas bachelorette party,  I think the most important thing is to make a group chat to hash out the details. It might be worth making one without the bride in it, so you can discuss details together and keep things secret. Make sure that you plan around the activities you want to enjoy. For instance, if you’re thinking of a strip club, then Vegas obviously has to be top of your list. You could even choose to keep the location secret from the bride until she arrives at the airport, the ultimate surprise!

Get Some Penis Stuff
How tacky you go with the bachelorette depends on what you think the bride will find funny. You need to work with your target audience in mind. However, even if she’s a bit more vanilla than most you can add in some fun penis items to make things feel like a bachelorette. You can buy penis straws, some fun penis related games (like pin the tail on the donkey, but an adult version), silly t-shirts, penis confetti, if you can think of it, you can probably find it in a penis form on Amazon. aPay close attention to the guest list, because if she has any family members coming like her mom, sisters, or anyone from her husband-to-be’s side, then it might be worth keeping these decorations very clean! One of the most important aspects to making the best bachelorette party is to make sure it is a good fit for the attendees, including the bride herself!

Keep Some Parts a Surprise
I love the surprise factor when planning parties and you can use this to your advantage. Perhaps her other best friend can tell her she won’t be able to make it because of some special event, but can show up and surprise her. Maybe a close friend or family member that lives far away can fly in for it, and leave it be a surprise on the day. Maybe you can have a sexy stripper come along to dance for everyone, and this can be a surprise right down to the moment he walks in. Is your friend more laid back? Why not surprise her with a spa day, all you need to search is spa near me in Pflugerville, TX“, or wherever you’ll be at on the day, and you can thrill her with a full day of pampering. Whatever you think will be a fun surprise, try to make it happen! When something truly unexpected happens, it can be a great way to make the event a lot more memorable and meaningful as it shows how carefully you planned and paid attention to the smaller details. The ultimate surprise, as I mentioned above, would be an overseas destination bachelor trip that she has no idea about until she arrives at the airport!

Don’t Forget the Games
Games at a bachelorette party are a fantastic way to break the ice. There’s a good chance there will be some mixing of friend groups at bachelorette parties, which means it’s also a really good opportunity for the other guests to get to know each other better. This will help make the wedding feel more special, as you’ll already have some shared experiences together if you’re meeting for the first time or don’t know each other so well. There should be some games that act as ‘ice breakers’ and other games that show funny aspects of the bride or are a test for how well the guests know the bride. If you’re looking for some great themed games, Etsy has tons of options you can buy and print out for cheap. If you want to make things even more fun, be sure to add some prizes into the mix. There’s always a different vibe when there’s a prize on the line!

If you’re hosting a bachelorette party, don’t stress. With these 4 tips in mind I’m sure you’re going to make the most memorable and fun bachelorette party your friend could ever wish for. If you’re looking for some more ideas, check out the Love My Senses blog for some fresh ideas that can help you plan.