Don’t Leave Home Without Them: Apps that Help You Become a Thrifty Traveler


With over 2.8 billion people expected to own a smartphone by 2020, it’s clear to see that our modern-day society has become hugely oriented around smartphones. Whilst some criticize the influence of smartphones, there’s no denying they can be extremely useful in a wide variety of situations simply because of all the apps available for download.

These days, there’s an app for almost anything, with traveling being a hot topic for many app developers looking to create the next best thing. And as the average cost of a round-the-world trip is estimated to be at least $20,000, many developers are specifically focusing on saving money whilst traveling – something pretty much every avid traveler would be grateful for! So, if you love nothing more than seeing the world but often feel held back due to lack of funds, here are some of today’s top apps that will help you become a thrifty traveler by tracking your expenses.


Simple and user-friendly, TrabeePocket is great for almost any form of travel. So, if you’re going on a long-term adventure or simply taking a family vacation, TrabeePocket will track your expenses every step of the way.

Simply input your chosen destination and each time you spend money, and TrabeePocket will instantly convert your currency from US dollars to the currency of the country you’re going to. This is extremely useful as exchange rates can be confusing and, if you’re not in-the-know, could make you think you have more money than you actually do.


Level Money

Taking expense tracking one step further, Level Money instantly syncs itself with your bank accounts, meaning you don’t have to manually input anything in order to track how much money you have.

This app will accurately show how much money you can realistically afford to spend on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis, giving you the best possible idea of how much to budget for per day. Then, if you find yourself spending more than you should on a particular day, you’ll instantly be notified and will be able to adjust your next day’s budget to accommodate extra spending!

But whilst this app is great for keeping you in-the-know, it’s important to remember that you still have to take control of your spending. So, if at any point you find yourself needing a financial helping hand when on the road, taking out a small personal loan could be a good option – click here for more information.

Trail Wallet

Simply set your budget for the day and Trail Wallet makes adding expenditures easy with no hassle. Offering a useful categorization system, you’re able to place each expense into a specific category, meaning you’ll always be able to see which areas you’re spending the most money in and whether or not you need to make adjustments.

Being a thrifty traveler is often easier said than done but, with these apps by your side, almost all the work is done for you! Tracking expenses when on-the-go is essential to ensure you don’t accidentally spend too much, meaning you’ll be financially organized without missing out on any fun.