Where to go in Europe: A Foodies Guide


Food and travel go hand in hand. One of the greatest pleasures of traveling is being exposed to new cultures and one of the ways cultures express themselves is through food. Europe is a pretty amazing holiday destination because there are so many countries in such a small area. You can have breakfast in one, lunch in another and dinner in another again. If you’re thinking of visiting Europe, you’ll need to consider what kind of holiday you want and where you want to visit. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, you can start thinking about what local dishes you want to try.

One thing that can be challenging about visiting a country where you don’t speak the local language is often it’s easy to miss out some more ‘local’ experiences. It can be a bit hit and miss with restaurants as often you’ll find yourself indulging in restaurants that are geared towards catering to tourists, and as such, have tourist prices. I have been really enjoying playing with this infographic that focuses on some of the most famous dishes from specific countries in Europe. As well as the most popular dishes, it shows the average prices, local currency and the best time of year to visit for the main food festival. It makes planning your travels around food very easy ha ha!

Don’t forget to take the cities you visit by foot in order to burn off some of those calories.