How To Get Help With Logistics for Business Travel Abroad


If you own a company or work for a company, where there’s a lot of travel involved, then you may be looking for tips or systems that help everything run more smoothly. There are so many aspects to traveling for business that is often overlooked, such as travel planning, budget approval, and a system to hold all of that information alongside the schedules. If you’re finding it hard to manage all these things within your business, then I have a few suggestions of how to make this work more smoothly for you. Here are some tips for how to get help with logistics for business travel abroad:

1. Invest in Some Software
As everything is so global these days, travel logistics planning is a common problem that businesses with traveling employees face. For that reason, there are specific software solutions that help streamline everything. The global mobility solutions can help make your life much easier and can include a variety of services to suit your business, such as pre-authorization, taxes, repatriation, compensation and so much more. These apps can even help with complicated issues like being sure that you’re not overstaying a country for taxation or visa purposes, as well as working as a platform to send and receive automatic notifications. 

2. Map Out the Year
Having a clear plan for the year’s travel can help make sure the process goes smoothly if you choose to work without software. It can be helpful to see where everyone will be throughout the year, and it can help estimate the business travel costs that will be incurred due to all the travel. This process is a lot easier with specialized software, but you can also manually do it in a program like excel if you’re a smaller company with a modest budget. 

3. Have a Clear Set of Guidelines
Maintaining clear guidelines within your company around when travel needs to be pre-approved and the timeframes for reclaiming travel expenses can help ensure everything runs smoothly. Making these things standard will help ensure there’s consistency throughout your team, preventing a build-up of travel-related expenses coming through all at once. 

4. Hire Someone to Manage it
Depending on the size of your company, it may make sense to hire someone specifically to manage all travel-related processes. They can help you streamline the process and manage all the authorizations and reimbursements. You don’t have to hire someone full-time, you can look to find someone to work part-time hours helping manage this aspect of your company. But be sure to compare whether it’s more economical to invest in software to help you, or to pay someone each month. 

Planning and managing business travel abroad for an entire company can feel overwhelming, but hopefully, with these tips you find some ways to improve the process for your company.