The City of Gold: Dubai is a Shoppers Paradise


Mothers, wives, and daughters need a bit of retail therapy every now and again. While the web makes it easy to shop for the latest fashions online, there’s something missing from the experience. Some love the action related to shopping – the window displays, the girl talk, and sensation of seeing goods up close and personal. Here’s why Dubai has been named a shopper’s paradise and needs to be on your next retail therapy go-to list.

Get Back to the Mall

Remember what it was like to go to the mall in the 80s and 90s? The large structures were designed to be a paradise for shoppers. The retail dream gave way to a more convenient and economical online shopping experience, but many shoppers miss the physical sensation. Dubai has no shortage of shopping malls, which is a nice departure from its outdoor temperatures. Like the golden age of American shopping malls, Dubai shopping locales are places to socialize, eat food, and score big on sales.

Experience the Souqs

Dubai has always been famous for its bazaars. However, get unpolished images out of your head. The outdoor mini malls are where locals (not just tourists) go to get basic goods and to do a bit of bargain shopping. Unlike traditional retail stores you’ll find near the Marriott, you’ll meet shop owners who are open to negotiating the price of items of interest. It’s a different experience but one that is sure to please the avid shopper.

Realize the First Number Is Overpriced

As mentioned, the businesspeople of Dubai are no strangers to bargaining. Unlike conventional retail stores in the US or UK, the first number you see on an item is seldom the one paid by interested parties. Most things are up for negotiation and a bit of haggling. While it would be uncomfortable or beyond store policy in America, you should have no qualms balking at the listed price and negotiating a better price in Dubai.

DIY Fashionistas

Sites like Etsy have opened doors for those who have aspirations to both design and sell their own fashion goods. Those who make their own clothing and accessories are prominent in Dubai. In fact, the Pink Sushi label originated out of Dubai and is the creation of a native-born young woman. Sure, you can find name-brand labels here, but it would be a mistake to disregard the items offered by local fashionistas and designers.

Get Surprised by the Shopping Fest

The Dubai Shopping Festival, one of the best in the world, was so popular that it has become a season-long event. From the end of June to the end of August, you’ll have the opportunity to find sales all over the city. Keep in mind that temperatures can be somewhat unbearable at this time, so it may be wise to go on a reconnaissance mission first and then target the shops you want to go to for purchasing. The hot temperatures may be to your benefit, lessening the number of shoppers and increasing your chances of getting great deals.